Welcome to my new home on the web. For those of you who have been to my previous homepages, you know what they were like and are probably wondering why did I make the switch to this one.
Well, it's simple really. The first page I set up was shut down by Microsoft due to their no longer supporting their own web hosting. It was later turned over to Talk city, who are now defunct as a web host.
I later switched to another site which shall remain nameless, by a friend whom shall remain nameless also. I did not personally like this page because of the fact that the only way people such as yourself could not see it unless you too were a member of the group.
The next page I set up was hosted by Yahoo, but was not very user friendly. And so that is how I ended up here. As I hope you'll see. it has a nice look and feel to it. Let me know what you think.